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9/7/24 — 9/9/24 9/7/24 — 9/11/24 9/7/24 — 9/13/24 or
Sat 7 Sep Sun 8 Sep Mon 9 Sep Tue 10 Sep Wed 11 Sep Thu 12 Sep Fri 13 Sep
Inka Samba × × × × × × ×
Inka Samba

Inka Samba

Inca Samba takes you two the Best of Rio de Janeiro, Iguaçú Falls, Lima, Cusco & Machu Picchu!

This is an 7 night and 8 day program in 4 star hotels! We start in Rio de Janeiro and end up in Machu Picchu, after having seen Iguassú, Lima and Cusco!


A great opportunity to start your Discoveries in South America! 

For more information, click here:

  • Duration : 7 Days (approx.)
From USD $2,399.00

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NOMAD Rio CityWalk × × Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available
NOMAD Rio CityWalk

NOMAD Rio CityWalk

NOMAD Rio CityWalk will take you through Old Rio in a different, Fun & Amazing Way! It will take you on a guided tour of Historical Downtown Rio de Janeiro. The best Rio walking tour guided by our local experts.

Discover Rio in a diferent, fun and amazing way! 

Our Old Rio CityWalk will take you on a guided tour of the Historical Downtown Rio de Janeiro (takes approx. 4 hrs). 

(Português) (Deutsch)

The best Rio walking tour guided by our local experts. You can also do it self guided, free of charge, if you wish (in English only)!  Just download our App, NOMAD!   It is an Information & Service Platform for Visitors to Rio! It is made by those guys that best know about Rio..,, real “Cariocas”!

Discover Rio Like A Native!

Our tours are guided by friendly local experts, whose personal knowledge of the city will make your experience unforgettable. Your local expert may also be a student, gaining experience for the start of her/his career! It is part of our culture to give youth a “first job”, an important step on their professional lives! Some of them are “Carioca By Choice”, one of those guys and girls that chose Rio for their Homebase!

Along the tour, you can listen to their commentaries on your earphones, with one of our innovative Technologies, direct from your mobile.  

We will help you discover the history, culture and the most iconic Landmarks in a way you´ve hardly seen before.

In our Old Rio CityWalk we will visit the renovated Port Area with Mural do Kobra, we will pass by Cais do Valongo, Orla Conde, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Cathedral, Confeitaria Colombo, Escadaria Celaron, Lapa, and more..!

Our Safety Measures Against Pandemia

  • Duration : 4 Hours (approx.)
From USD $35.00

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NOMAD Rio CityWalk (Br) × × Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available
NOMAD Rio CityWalk (Br)

NOMAD Rio CityWalk (Br)

NOMAD Rio CityWalk vai te levar pelo Centro Histórico do Rio de Janeiro de uma forma inovadora e divertida! O melhor passeio a pé guiado do Rio de Janeiro, acompanhado de nossos guias especialistas!

Conheça o Rio de uma forma diferente, divertida e incrível!

Nosso Old Rio CityWalk levará você a um passeio guiado pelo Centro Histórico do Rio de Janeiro.(duração aproximada: 4 hrs). 

(English) (Deutsch)

O melhor passeio a pé do Rio guiado por nossos especialistas locais. Você também pode fazê-lo “self service”, gratuitamente, se desejar (somente em inglês)! Basta baixar nosso App, o NOMAD ! Ele é uma plataforma de informação e servicos para o turista no Rio de Janeiro. Feito por quem melhor entende do Rio, os Cariocas!

Explore o  Rio como um nativo!

Nossos passeios são guiados por simpáticos experts locais, cujo conhecimento pessoal da cidade tornará sua experiência ainda mais inesquecível. 

O seu expert local também pode ser um estudante, ganhando experiência para o início de sua carreira! Faz parte da nossa cultura dar um “primeiro emprego” aos jovens, um passo importante na vida profissional! 

Alguns deles são “Carioca By Choice”, um daqueles garotos e garotas que escolheu o Rio para sua Homebase!

Ao longo do passeio, você poderá ouvir seus comentários em seus fones de ouvido, com uma de nossas tecnologias inovadoras, direto do seu celular.Vamos ajudá-lo a descobrir a história, cultura e os marcos mais emblemáticos de uma forma que você nunca viu antes.

Em nosso Old Rio CityWalk visitaremos a renovada Área do Porto com o Mural do Kobra, passaremos pelo Cais do Valongo, Orla Conde, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Catedral, Confeitaria Colombo, Escadaria Selarón, Lapa e muito mais ..!

Medidas Profiláticas em Tempos de Pandemia

  • Duration : 4 Hours (approx.)
From USD $35.00

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NOMAD Rio CityWalk (D) × × Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available Book Now 20 Available
NOMAD Rio CityWalk (D)

NOMAD Rio CityWalk (D)

NOMAD Rio CityWalk führt Sie auf eine interessante und unterhaltsame Weise durch Altstadt Rio! Es nimmt Sie mit auf eine geführte Tour durch die historische Innenstadt von Rio de Janeiro. Die beste Rio-Walk , geführt von unseren Experten.

Unser Old Rio CityWalk ist eine geführte Tour durch die historische Innenstadt von Rio de Janeiro (Dauer ca. 4 Stunden). 

(Português) (English)

Die beste „Rio-Walking Tours“, geführt von unseren lokalen Experten. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie es auch kostenlos selbst machen (nur auf Englisch)! Laden Sie einfach unsere App  NOMAD! herunter! Es ist eine Informations- und Serviceplattform für Besucher von Rio! Es wird von den Jungs gemacht, die Rio am besten kennen..,, echte „Cariocas“! 

Entdecken Sie Rio wie ein Einheimischer! 

Unsere Touren werden von freundlichen lokalen Experten geleitet, deren persönliche Kenntnisse der Stadt Ihr Erlebnis unvergesslich machen. Ihr Experte vor Ort kann auch Student sein und Erfahrungen für den Berufseinstieg sammeln! Es gehört zu unserer Kultur, jungen Menschen einen „ersten Job“ anzubieten. Einen wichtigen Schritt im Berufsleben! Einige von ihnen sind „Carioca By Choice“:  Jungs und Mädels, die Rio als ihre Homebase gewählt haben! 

Während der Tour können Sie ihre Kommentare über Ihre Kopfhörer mit einer unserer innovativen Technologien direkt von Ihrem Handy aus anhören. 

Wir helfen Ihnen, die Geschichte, Kultur und die berühmtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten auf eine freundliche, dynamische und interessante Weise zu entdecken, die Sie zuvor kaum gesehen haben. In unserem Old Rio CityWalk besuchen wir das renovierte Hafengebiet mit Mural do Kobra, wir kommen an Cais do Valongo, Orla Conde, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Kathedrale, Confeitaria Colombo, Escadaria Celaron, Lapa und mehr vorbei..!

Unsere Massnahmen gegen Pandemia 

  • Duration : 4 Hours (approx.)
From USD $35.00

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Kohanã Amazon Expedition - A Trip To The Javari River Valley × × × × × × ×
Kohanã Amazon Expedition - A Trip To The Javari River Valley

Kohanã Amazon Expedition - A Trip To The Javari River Valley

An opportunity of seeing the region with the biggest concentration of Amazon indigenous people in the world. The Javari River Valley offers the unique opportunity of visiting Amazonian Natives in their own habitat.

An opportunity of seeing the region with the biggest concentration of Amazon indigenous people in the world. The Javari River Valley offers the unique opportunity of visiting innumerous natural beauties and at the same time get a different insight about the world we live in, gathering stories and multiplying personal experiences. 

Our goal here is to offer the best experience with Nature in an exotic place in the heart of the Amazon Region in a place called Javari River Valley, located in Atalaia do Norte, Amazonas State, Brazil. In this 3 border region, we will also visit places in Colombia and in Peru.

Most of our trips will be made by speed boat: “Pirarucú”, which is able to grant us quick and safe rides.

We will visit and overnight – among other places – at Heliconia Natural Reserve, that offers a fantastic nature experience. Heliconia Natural Reserve is located on the banks of Javari River, close to the peruvian community Santa Rita.

Tabatinga Airport (Brazil) is served daily by Azul Brazilian Airlines. Leticia Airport (Colombia) receives 3 daily flights by LATAM Brazilian Airlines, AVIANCA Airlines and VIVA AIRE Colombian Airlines.


Day 01

Arrive at Tabatinga or Leticia Airport, immigration, transfer to hotel and check in at Tropical Vibes Hotel in Tabatinga. Dinner and overnight. 

Day 02

Breakfast at hotel. Depart to Colombia for a short Citytour in Leticia and visit to the Etnocultural Museum, this tour takes about 1,5 hours. Arrive At around 11:00AM we will leave by speedboat from Tabatinga port for lunch at the peruvian town Islandia. Our ride will take 30 minutes.

At around 2PM we will leave to Atalaia do Norte by speedboat. Our ride will take about 60 minutes. After arrival check in at Castro Alves Hotel. Dinner and overnight.

Day 03

Breakfast at hotel. We will depart hotel at around 9:00AM on a 20 minute car drive along road BR307 to Aldeia Marubo (Marubo Indian Community). We will arrive at around 10:00AM, watch a welcome ritual, including snuff and body panting (for those who want to try snuff the Indian way or get their bodies painted, this is a great first opportunity).   

The we will depart on a 40 minute jungle walk to visit the Matis tribe. At 1:30PM we will return from Marubo Tribe to Atalaia do Norte. Buffet lunch is included.

4:00PM Depart from Atalaia do Norte to Pousada Heliconia, takes 1 hour.

Check in, dinner and depart by boat for a Cayman flashlight watching tour. The eyes of the caymans shine in the darkness when in contact with our guides flashlights…, an amazing activity. Overnight.

Day 04

Breakfast at Pousada Heliconia. We will depart our Pousada at around 9:00AM by speedboat (“voadeira”) on a 20 minute ride to Santa Rita (Peru). We will learn about how to handicraft a canoe, according to the local culture and will visit a giant Samaúma tree. We will then drive back to our Pousada for lunch.

In the afternoon, jungle walk where we will have the chance of birdwatching and observing the monkeys and learn basics about jungle survival. Dinner and overnight. 

Day 05

Breakfast at Pousada Heliconia. We will depart today by speedboat for a 4.5 hour speed boat ride to Aldeia Konahã. On the banks of Javari River. Arrive at the tribe, welcome ritual, corporal painting, snooth, frog’s milk (for those who wish). Lunch at Maloca Kanamari.

In the afternoon we explore the settlement and its activities. Handcraft production, agriculture, hunting technics. Dinner at Maloca Kanamari.

Overnight at a camp at Aldeia Konahã. We will set up a camp with tents and hammocks. An energy generator and satellite phone are available. 

Day 06

Breakfast at Aldeia. The morning is free to explore the region. At 11:30AM we will depart back to Atalaia do Norte, arriving at around 5:30PM. Dinner and overnight at Hotel Castro Alves.

Day 07

Breakfast at Hotel Castro Alves. At 08:00AM we will depart by speedboat from Atalaia do Norte to Tabatinga. At around 10:30AM arrive in Tabatinga, transfer to the airport (Tabatinga or Leticia).

End of our services.



Transfers by speedboat and car/vans.

English speaking bilingual guide assistance throughout the journey.

All overnights and meals as described in our itinerary.

At hotels and Pousada accommodation in twin-room. Additional for single room is USD 999,00.

Not included:

Flights and airport taxes.

Drinks during meals

Any item not mentioned in our program.


We recommend you carry only a backpack or light bag with the most necessary items: Long pants, long shirt, light clothing, bathing suit, sturdy shoes or boots, slippers, repellent, sunscreen, hat, flashlight, and raincoat. 

Remembering that this is an “Indian Village”, therefore the place does not have wi-fi or other technologies. However, for you to record this unique moment, if possible, bring an external battery to charge your cell phone, as there will be few opportunities to charge the device from an outlet. We do NOT suggest traveling with a suitcase, if possible, leave it deposited at the hotel in Manaus.

  • Duration : 7 Days (approx.)
From USD $6,429.00

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